By revolutionizing training and research, Smart Learning Factory – Skopje welcomes academia and the business sector for a new wave of activities toward reaching their Industry 4.0 and digital transformation goals.


The first “Learning Factory” of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – Skopje was opened

December 2022, Sloboden Pecat

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Отворена првата „Фабрика за учење“ на Машинскиот Факултет – Скопје.

December 2022, Mашински Факултет – Скопје

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Фабрика за учење на Машински Факултет – Скопје

February 2023,

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Second National Grant Award Ceremony in North Macedonia

May 2023, Regional Challenge Fund

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НОВ ФРОНТ ЗА СПАС НА МАКЕДОНСКАТА НАУКА – Европа со огромен проект и средства

Јune 2023,

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Нова најсовремена лабораторија финансирана од Европскиот Институт за Иновации и Технологија

June 2023, Sitel

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Kanban system in the Smart Learning Factory – Skopje

October 2023, Filip Arsov

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Smart Learning Factory-Skopje e иновативна фабрика во која компаниите учат како да ги подобрат производните процеси

March 2024,

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Industry 4.0 for more competitive SMEs – Review of existing Industry 4.0 Maturity Models

June 2022, Graz, Austria

EurOMA Conference

See publication

Improvement of the production processes based on the lean methodology

December 2021, Borovets, Bulgaria

VI International Scientific Conference “Industry 4.0”

See publication

Effective bottleneck analysis through simulation: A Lean Case Study

June 2022, Sozopol, Bulgaria

XX International Scientific Conference “Management and Engineering”

See publication →

Mapping the current research on the different viewpoints regarding the relation between Lean and Industry 4.0

September 2022, Belgrade, Serbia

8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering

See publication →

Digital twin applications in manufacturing – literature review and research directions

September 2022, Belgrade, Serbia

8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering

See publication →

Product traceability in manufacturing: A review of the concepts for enhanced digital transformation

June 2023, Sozopol, Bulgaria

XXI International Scientific Conference “Management and Engineering”

See publication →

An overview of the digital transformation and Industry 4.0 technologies implementation frameworks

October 2023, Novi Sad, Serbia

IS’23 – 19th International Scientific Conference on Industrial Systems

See publication →

Introducing Hybrid Learning to Learning Factoriesanced digital transformation

October 2023, Novi Sad, Serbia

IS’23 – 19th International Scientific Conference on Industrial Systems

See publication →

Lean Six Sigma CASE STUDIES – Best practices of the Macedonian manufacturing companies

June 2024, Skopje, North Macedonia

Smart Learning for Increased Productivity – The Journey of Lean Six Sigma Implementation

See publication →


A digital Lean performance measurement system in the laboratory at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Mihaela Zlateska

June 2023

See thesis presentation

Assembly assistance systems concepts in Smart Learning Factory – Skopje (SLFS) and practical experiment

Daniela Stojanovska

July 2023

See thesis presentation

3D visualization and simulation of the future production process in the Smart Learning Factory – Skopje

Ignat Mojsov

July 2023

See thesis video →


Damjan Ristovski

July 2023

See thesis presentation →