Unlocking the potential of your organization skills through tailored training solutions in the fields of Industrial Engineering and Management, Lean Management, Industry 4.0, and many more.
SLFS offers a variety of training in the field of Lean 4.0. If any of those training is provided, it will be noted that they can have different durations according to the specific organization’s needs. Additionally, the training can be adapted for different groups of listeners with certain modifications. The offered training will be conducted in the scaled production environment of SLFS, allowing trainees to work on real practical examples within the simulated environment. The SLFS offers the following topics for training (click on each title for details):
- Lean philosophy (Lean Thinking)
- Lean Manufacturing 4.0
- Lean Six Sigma
- 5S
- Standardized work
- Kaizen
- Poka Yoke
- Performance measurement systems
- Simulation as a tool for analysis and process improvement
- Cohabitation of Lean and Quality Management Systems in accordance with ISO 9001
- Lean in services
- Value Stream Mapping (VSM)

TOPIC OF THE TRAINING — Lean philosophy (Lean Thinking)
SUBTOPICS — What is Lean? Benefits of Lean. Lean losses/waste. Principles of Lean. House of Lean. Lean implementation methodology. Overview of Lean tools (basics).
MAIN COMPETENCIES — Understanding the importance of Lean and the benefits of applying the approach.
LISTENERS/TARGET GROUPS — Middle and top management. With certain modifications, the training can be adapted for first-line management (foremen, line managers, etc.) and executors.

SUBTOPICS — Brief introduction to Lean, Introduction to Lean Six Sigma, DMAIC framework with more than 50 tools selected in each of the framework phases (organized in a specialized toolkit), full practical project example with a presentation by the trainees.
MAIN COMPETENCIES — Understanding the relation of Lean and Six Sigma. Understanding of the DMAIC framework and various tools. Opportunity to work on a real Lean Six Sigma project and acquire expert suggestions.
LISTENERS/TARGET GROUPS — The topics/tools in the LSS phases can be tailored according to the needs.
Lean Six Sigma CASE STUDIES – publication from the most recent Lean Six Sigma trainings

TOPIC OF THE TRAINING — Lean Manufacturing 4.0 (Hybrid training through skills.move platform)
SUBTOPICS — What is Lean? What is Industry 4.0? Points of connection and replenishment. Examples of connecting the two approaches.
MAIN COMPETENCIES — Understanding the importance of Lean4.0 and benefits of applying the approach.
LISTENERS/TARGET GROUPS — Middle and top management.

SUBTOPICS — Implications of 5S on efficiency and productivity in operations. Analysis of the stages of 5S. Practical examples of 5S implementation with calculation of the profit from the implementation.
MAIN COMPETENCIES — Ability to introduce the 5S approach in the organization. Middle and first-line management (supervisors, line managers, etc.).
LISTENERS/TARGET GROUPS — With certain modifications, the training can be adapted for both top management and operators.

SUBTOPICS — What is the main purpose of the method? Benefits of applying the method. POKA-YOKE Types and Methods. Practical implementation of access through a smart POKA-YOKE station.
MAIN COMPETENCIES — Understanding of the method and ability to analyze the potential of its application in the organization.
LISTENERS/TARGET GROUPS — Middle and first-line management (supervisors, line managers, etc.). With certain modifications, the training can be adapted for both top management and operators.

TOPIC OF THE TRAINING — Standardized work
SUBTOPICS — Why is standardized work one of the foundations of Lean? What is its purpose? How does standardized work ensure quick reactions in production management? How to implement this approach?
MAIN COMPETENCIES — Ability for adapted implementation of the approach in the organization.
LISTENERS/TARGET GROUPS — Middle and top management. With certain modifications, the training can be adapted for first-line management (foremen, line managers, etc.) and operators.

SUBTOPICS — What is KAIZEN? Why is KAIZEN part of Lean, but also many other similar approaches? How to practically implement KAIZEN? Overview of examples of challenges treated with KAIZEN.
MAIN COMPETENCIES — Ability to introduce the approach in an organized manner in the organization.
LISTENERS/TARGET GROUPS — Middle and top management. With certain modifications, the training can be adapted for first-line management (foremen, line managers, etc.).

TOPIC OF THE TRAINING — Performance Measurement Systems
SUBTOPICS — Why are performance measurement systems so important? What is their connection to Lean? Need for visualization and reference values. Methodological approach when building such systems. Practical elements in building these systems.
MAIN COMPETENCIES — Understanding the importance of performance measurement systems and the ability to design them at a micro level.
LISTENERS/TARGET GROUPS — Middle and top management. With certain modifications, the training can be adapted for first-line management (supervisors, line managers, etc.) and operators.

TOPIC OF THE TRAINING — Simulation as a tool for analysis and process improvement
SUBTOPICS — What are simulations? Process analysis tools. How to improve the existing layout? The power of experiments in simulations. Practical examples such as simulation are helpful.
MAIN COMPETENCIES — Understanding all aspects of how to look at a production process, how to analyze it and where to look for opportunities for improvement.
LISTENERS/TARGET GROUPS — Middle management. With certain modifications, the training can also be adapted for frontline management.

TOPIC OF THE TRAINING — Cohabitation of Lean and QMS in accordance with ISO 9001
SUBTOPICS — Briefly about Lean and ISO 9001 quality management systems. Why should they work together? Where should their intersection points be sought? Practical examples of their cooperation.
MAIN COMPETENCIES — Understanding the need for cohabitation between the two approaches and the ability to take initial steps in that direction.
LISTENERS/TARGET GROUPS — Middle and top management. With certain modifications, the training can be adapted for first-line management (supervisors, line managers, etc.) and operators.

TOPIC OF THE TRAINING — Lean in services
SUBTOPICS — Lean management. Lean tools. Specifics of service activities. Challenges in the implementation of Lean in service activities. Practical examples of the implementation of Lean in different spheres of services.
MAIN COMPETENCIES — Understanding the differences in the implementation of Lean in production and service activities and the ability to detect possible fields for the implementation of Lean in service activities.
LISTENERS/TARGET GROUPS — Middle and top management. With certain modifications, the training can be adapted for first-line management (supervisors, line managers, etc.) and operators.

TOPIC OF THE TRAINING — Value Stream Mapping (VSM)
SUBTOPICS — Why is the value stream diagram one of the fundamental methods of Lean? How to design the diagram? Practical examples of the implementation of the diagram, with overviews of the benefits of the improved state.
MAIN COMPETENCIES — Ability to implement a diagram of the value flow approach in the organization.
LISTENERS/TARGET GROUPS — Middle management. With certain modifications, the training can be adapted for both top management and first-line management (foremen, line managers, etc.) and operators.