Одржан настанот “Паметно учење за зголемена продуктивност”
Скопје, 13 јуни – Smart Learning Factory – Skopje (SLFS), првата паметна фабрика за учење кај нас (формирана на Машинскиот факултет при Универзитетот „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ во Скопје), ги промовираше првите 35 кандидати кои успешно го поминаа првиот циклус на обуки за „Lean six sigma” во рамки на конференцијата „Паметно учење за зголемена продуктивност:…
Настан: Smart Learning For Increased Productivity
На 13 јуни, со почеток во 10:00 часот во Платинум 1 сала, DoubleTree by Hilton ќе се одржи настанот „Smart Learning for Increased Productivity – The Journey of Lean Six Sigma Implementation“. Во текот на изминатата година, Smart Learning Factory – Skopje, со поддршка на Активноста на УСАИД Партнерства за економски раст, организираше обуки за…
We are introducing our SLFS interns!
We are proud to present our interns Todorka Todorova and Jovana Petrovska, both bachelor students at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – Skopje in their third year of studies in Industrial Engineering and Management. Under the mentorship of prof. Bojan Jovanoski, they worked on several projects during their internship in Smart Learning Factory – Skopje…
A new addition to the SLFS team!
Smart Learning Factory – Skopje team is growing! We are happy to announce that Mihaela Zlateska (BSc in Industrial Engineering and Management) and Damjan Vasilevski (BSc in Mechatronics) are now our PROJECT ASSISTANTS. Both of them already working on their master’s research related to Lean and digitalization – Mihaela works in the field of data analysis and Damjan works…
Latest bachelor thesis in SLFS
In the past few months, two significant bachelor theses were defended in the Smart Learning Factory – Skopje. Improvement of the production process through the implementation of Kanban in the Smart Learning Factory – Skopje By Filip Arsov In recent years, advancements in production and management systems have transformed various industries, notably the automotive sector,…
СЕСИЈА 2, 3 и 4: Lean Six Sigma обуки во SLFS
Lean Six Sigma обуките за компании поддржани од УСАИД преку Активноста Партнерства за економски раст, а организирани од страна на Smart Learning Factory – Skopje, ПРОДОЛЖУВААТ ВО 2024 ГОДИНА. После првата успешна сесија, продолжуваме со уште три сесии кои се веќе закажани: – СЕСИЈА 2 – 13, 14, 20 и 21 Февруари 2024, – СЕСИЈА…
Inspiring lectures at Smart Learning Factory – Skopje
Yesterday (16/11/2023) we had the privilege of hosting two captivating lectures by professor Wilfried Sihn and professor Fazel Ansari, both esteemed members of the Vienna University of Technology. The first lecture, held at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, was tailored for the academic staff and students of the faculty. This lecture delved into our guest’s…
Treetech solution becomes our partner!
Our first official partner is here! Treetech Solution has officially become our collaboration partner. They also entered our showroom with their exceptional ANDON system which will help us monitor the manufacturing process in the learning factory. In the name of the Smart Learning Factory team as well as the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Ss.Cyril and…
СЕСИЈА 1: Lean Six Sigma обуки во Smart Learning Factory – Skopje
Smart Learning Factory – Skopje организира обуки за Lean Six Sigma кои за првите 40 учесници ќе бидат кофинансирани од страна на USAID преку Активноста Партнерства за економски раст. Ова значи дека USAID покрива 16.000 МКД од вкупната вредност на обуката, додека Вие или Вашата компанија доплаќа 16.000 МКД + ДДВ. СОДРЖИНА НА ОБУКАТА Вовед…
SLFS signed a Memorandum of Understanding with USAID
We’re thrilled to announce a fantastic opportunity that unfolded this Friday, October 20, 2023. Smart Learning Factory – Skopje has officially entered into a collaboration with the USAID Partnerships for Economic Growth Activity. This marks the beginning of an incredible journey, as we join hands with North Macedonia to embark on a path of economic…
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