Category: Uncategorized

  • Treetech solution becomes our partner!

    Treetech solution becomes our partner!

    Our first official partner is here! Treetech Solution has officially become our collaboration partner. They also entered our showroom with their exceptional ANDON system which will help us monitor the manufacturing process in the learning factory. In the name of the Smart Learning Factory team as well as the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Ss.Cyril and…

  • СЕСИЈА 1: Lean Six Sigma обуки во Smart Learning Factory – Skopje

    СЕСИЈА 1: Lean Six Sigma обуки во Smart Learning Factory – Skopje

    Smart Learning Factory – Skopje организира обуки за Lean Six Sigma кои за првите 40 учесници ќе бидат кофинансирани од страна на USAID преку Активноста Партнерства за економски раст. Ова значи дека USAID покрива 16.000 МКД од вкупната вредност на обуката, додека Вие или Вашата компанија доплаќа 16.000 МКД + ДДВ. СОДРЖИНА НА ОБУКАТА Вовед…

  • SLFS signed a Memorandum of Understanding with USAID

    SLFS signed a Memorandum of Understanding with USAID

    We’re thrilled to announce a fantastic opportunity that unfolded this Friday, October 20, 2023. Smart Learning Factory – Skopje has officially entered into a collaboration with the USAID Partnerships for Economic Growth Activity. This marks the beginning of an incredible journey, as we join hands with North Macedonia to embark on a path of economic…

  • Apply for the international hybrid courses within the CompetenSEE project!

    Apply for the international hybrid courses within the CompetenSEE project!

    CompetenSEE aims at design, development and implementation of a hybrid training course between teaching and learning factories (TLFs) in South-East Europe (SEE). Hybrid learning becomes increasingly important for TLF, because of higher flexibility, reusability, availability and cost efficiency of trainings, of which all are common limitations of traditional TLFs. A network of recently established TLFs, namely…

  • Online event: Benefits of the EIT Manufacturing ecosystem and the success story of the SLFS

    Online event: Benefits of the EIT Manufacturing ecosystem and the success story of the SLFS

    BAU Accelerator, as the official EIT Community RIS Hubs National Secretary for N. Macedonia, sends an open invitation to this interesting online event: „Benefits of the EIT Manufacturing ecosystem and the success story of the Smart Learning Factory – Skopje“. BAU Accelerator’s CEO, Aleksandar Stamboliev, MSc will host and moderate the event as we welcome Dr. Niki Kousi,…