Category: Uncategorized

  • Maximize Efficiency and Productivity with 5S Training

    Maximize Efficiency and Productivity with 5S Training

    Unlock the full potential of your organization through our specialized 5S Training, designed to boost operational efficiency, streamline processes, and maximize productivity. Whether you’re in middle management or overseeing a team, this training will equip you with the tools and knowledge to implement the 5S approach in your organization, driving tangible improvements across all levels.…

  • Experience the Future of Lean with the Kanban Supermarket at the Smart Learning Factory – Skopje

    Experience the Future of Lean with the Kanban Supermarket at the Smart Learning Factory – Skopje

    Step into the Smart Learning Factory – Skopje (SLFS), a cutting-edge educational space where theory and practice converge in an immersive learning environment. This state-of-the-art facility is designed to provide you with hands-on experience in Lean principles and Industry 4.0. Through its innovative modules, such as the Kanban Supermarket, the Smart Learning Factory empowers learners…

  • MAMEI, EIT Community RIS HUB and SLFS Networking event

    MAMEI, EIT Community RIS HUB and SLFS Networking event

    On 21.11.2024, the Smart Learning Factory – Skopje, together with MAMEI (Macedonian Association of Metal & Electrical Industry) and EIT Community RIS Hub – North Macedonia hosted and organized the event “Mapping the opportunities through EIT Manufacturing, in collaboration with international consortia”. Representatives from the Macedonian manufacturing industry attended this event. They were reacquainted with…

  • Driving Positive Change: Smart Learning Factory – Skopje Joins AIM Global in Shaping the Future of AI in Industry

    Driving Positive Change: Smart Learning Factory – Skopje Joins AIM Global in Shaping the Future of AI in Industry

    Skopje – 15.11.2024 – Smart Learning Factory – Skopje has joined AIM Global, the Global Alliance on Artificial Intelligence for Industry and Manufacturing. This strategic collaboration reflects our commitment to advancing safe, sustainable, and inclusive use of AI in industry and manufacturing. Guided by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), AIM Global promotes the…

  • Marquardt Macedonia becomes a friend of SLFS!

    Marquardt Macedonia becomes a friend of SLFS!

    Skopje – 30.10.2024 – In Smart Learning Factory – Skopje, the partnership between our SLFS and Marquardt Macedonia was officialized. They also upgraded our showroom with their donations of Lean tables for assembly which will be used for the creation of different assembly schedules, and a router with advanced features. The production site in North…

  • Partner announcement: Datalab Skopje

    Partner announcement: Datalab Skopje

    Skopje – 21.10.2024 – Datalab Skopje has officially become our collaboration partner. They also upgraded our showroom with a free licenses for the students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering for their exceptional ERP software Pantheon, which the students will use in multiple subjects during their studies, including production management planning, case study, project management,…

  • Partner announcement: Smart Energy Solutions

    Skopje – 03.10.2023 – Smart Energy Solutions has officially become a collaboration partner of Smart Learning Factory – Skopje. They also upgraded our showroom with their exceptional system for energy management which is connected to the modules of our Smart Learning Factory – Skopje. SMART ENERGY SOLUTIONS is a company that provides innovative and pragmatic…

  • SLFS вработува проектен асистент.

    SLFS вработува проектен асистент.

    Smart Learning Factory – Skopje (SLFS) го проширува својот тим и бара проектен асистент со желба за развој во областа на Lean менаџмент и дигитални технологии! Опис на позицијата Проектниот асистент ќе биде вклучен во работата на тековниот проект AISkills4Lean, организација на Lean Six Sigma обуки, но и во други проекти што ќе произлезат во…

  • Kicking-off the AISkills4Lean project

    Kicking-off the AISkills4Lean project

    View Post Due to ongoing digital transformation and AI advancements, a comprehensive industry-oriented program is needed for integrating AI into manufacturing in South-East Europe (SEE). EIT M has developed teaching and learning factories, and North Macedonia has implemented lean and data-driven tool training. The AISkills4Lean initiative aims to enhance this by adding AI and Lean…

  • Нов циклус на Lean Six Sigma обуки во SLFS

    Нов циклус на Lean Six Sigma обуки во SLFS

    Lean Six Sigma обуките за компании поддржани од УСАИД преку Активноста Партнерства за економски раст, а организирани од страна на Smart Learning Factory – Skopje, ПРОДОЛЖУВААТ! После четири успешни сесии, обуките продолжуваат од оваа есен со нов циклус! Резултатите од претходните сесии можете да ги погледнете во booklet-от тука. Пријавувањатa за овие обуки се започнати и за…